Sending WooCommerce order information to Mailchimp
By default the plugin only sends the Mailchimp default fields of EMAIL, FNAME and LNAME. However, with a little bit of code dropped into your functions.php file you can send additional information to Mailchimp.
Below is some sample code on how to use the ss_wc_mailchimp_subscribe_merge_tags hook to modify the Mailchimp merge tags to include WooCommerce order information:
/************ MAILCHIMP INTEGRATION HOOKS *********/
add_filter( 'ss_wc_mailchimp_subscribe_merge_tags', 'woocommerce_mailchimp_extra_data', 10, 3 );
function woocommerce_mailchimp_extra_data( $merge_tags, $order_id, $email ) {
// Lets grab the order
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
$billing_email = $order->get_billing_email();
$billing_phone = $order->get_billing_phone();
$billing_total = $order->get_total();
$order_number= $order->get_order_number();
$product_list = '';
$order_items = $order->get_items( 'line_item' );
$skus = array();
foreach( $order_items as $order_item ) {
$product = $order_item->get_product();
$skus[] = $product->get_sku();
$product_list = implode( ',\n', $skus );
$new_merge_tags = array(
'BUYDATE' => $order->get_date_paid(),
'AMOUNT' => $billing_total,
'PRODUCTS' => $product_list,
'SOURCE' => $order_number
// combine the two arrays
$merge_tags = array_merge( $merge_tags, $new_merge_tags );
return $merge_tags;